April 2018 Staff Above & Beyond
April 2018 Staff Above & Beyond

Hello, the following staff were nominated for the Child Focus Staff Above and Beyond Award for the month of April. The winners for the $25.00 gift card this month are: Loryn Peace, Tosha Swafford, Beth Crawford and Jackie Leicht. Congratulations to all!!
Alanna Hochberg: Alanna recently completed a Second Fatherhood Event. It was Take Me Out to the Ballgame theme, which she put a lot of time and effort into making a fun event. She even made baseball cards for the families as a personalized takeaway, used a PEER card and lots of props and activities ready for the families. Alanna does such a nice job and puts a lot of thought into what she does to engage families.
Brittany Morgan: For giving breaks at Summerside recently as they have been short-staffed there. Also, for the past several months, Brittany has been stepping in to meet ratios by giving breaks and assisting as needed at the Summerside classroom along with her regular family Advocate duties. We would not have been able to keep that classroom up and running without her help! Thanks Brittany!!!
Danielle Gibson: Even though Danielle is in another classroom, she is always eager to help us when we are short staffed. Also, I have worked with Danielle for 4 years and she has been such a mentor for me. Any question I have had, she has answered. He is always there to help even we are low staffed. She is friendly and very compassionate, she has worked for this company for a very long time. I think she deserves this above and beyond award.
Danielle Smith and Bersy Tudor: These two have been a tremendous help with jumping into enrollment and health at the centers where we have not had a Family Advocate. They have gone above and beyond to be sure our families are taken care of and the program continues to run smoothly whole we are in transition. Thank you for all your help!
Linda Cornwell: Linda has been very helpful in making sure that requirements are being met and compliance being ensured. Her hard work shows. Thank you Linda for all you do!
Loryn Peace: Doing extra cleaning without being asked. I really appreciate all the help. Thank you!
Michelle Gaynor and Bridget Brown: Summerside has been without as assistant teacher for several months and Michelle and Bridget have kept that classroom up and running with two staff without complaints! They not only provide a quality and fun environment, they kept up with all the requirements of the job! Great team work!!
Molly Sullivan and Sheila Conley: Since their assistant teacher retired, Molly and Sheila have managed a high energy afternoon group of children with calm, patience and positivity- looking for how they can change and what they can do differently to meet the needs of this group. Great Job Ladies!!!
Tosha Swafford: Tasha has been extremely helpful in communicating with families about things that needed from her families in the absence of a Family Advocate. She has assisted in scheduling appointments and following up with families. Thank you Tasha for all your hard work and dedication.
Beth Crawford: Beth has gone above and beyond for 9 straight weeks. The plan was for her to cover Jessica Bowlin’s job, while the latter was on the maternity leave, and while a temp covered Beth’s job. However, the temp assigned to cover had to be let go, so Beth managed the responsibilities of both jobs for the entire nine weeks. In addition, during this time, Beth was promoted to Coordinator of Clinical Support Services and simultaneously began training in that role. Way to juggle multiple jobs, Beth, and keep all the balls in the air! Thanks for all you do!”
Jackie Leicht: Jackie is always taking care of the smoking station making sure everything is okay: putting out the smoldering ashes and emptying the garbage cans. Also, recently, she brought in her own cleaning supplies to clean out the two microwaves in the Outpatient kitchen before her work shift. She did an excellent job! Thank you, Jackie, for maintaining the shared facility areas to ensure they are well-kept and clean!”
For the month of April 2018, the staff being acknowledged with the “Hats Off” recognition are:
- Out of Home Care team: Katie Noyes, Sadie Fordyce, Lisa Beckman, Hilary Shelton, Jennifer Clarke
- Corporate team: Sandy Lock, Tammy Brewer, Tara Keith, Paul McDonald
The following was shared by a CFI foster family:
“I just really wanted to tell someone how grateful we are for the Child Focus staff. I truly don’t believe we could do this without your support. Katie, Lisa, Sadie, and Hilary go above and beyond to make us feel supported and heard. I cannot imagine a more caring and dedicated group of women and I just want you to know how much we appreciate you. I would like to acknowledge Jennifer Clarke too, because she is awesome! I just wanted to say thank you for all you do, which is a ton!”
The following was conveyed by the CFI staff:
“Sandy Lock, Tammy Brewer, Tara Keith, and Paul McDonald routinely burn the midnight oil day in and day out to make CFI a great place to work. They always have a friendly warm smile and a tireless dedicated work ethic. They go out of their way every day, 365 days a year, to make CFI successful!
Thank you for all you do, it is very much noted by us, staff!”
A family, served at CFI, shared the following about the parent education course provided by the OHC Parent Educator Sharon Boh:
“Parenting Education through Child Focus has saved my family in so many ways! Coming from a childhood, where my parents were not there, this program has made me understand the true values of being a parent. Being a single parent, the program helped me deal with situations and overcome them! I would recommend this program to parents, who do not even need it, because no parent is perfect. Thank you!”