Blood Drive July 29 at Child Focus

Blood Drive July 29 at Child Focus

Calendar-IconJuly 13, 2016

What a great Hoxworth Blood Center story from one of our parents!!! "My name is Kristen Henry and I am a Child Focus Head Start & Early Head Start Mom. I wanted to share my story to encourage you to give blood at the Child Focus Blood Drive on July 29. I was given the gift of blood during my 3rd child’s c-section. I am 0+ and someone selflessly donated their blood to me which helped deliver my daughter and I safely. Because of this I give blood every 8 weeks. As an O+ blood type, I can help anybody and I can even see where my blood goes on my Hoxworth account. My most recent donation went to Children’s Hospital and Fairfield Mercy. I would encourage you to give blood to help other children and adults not only get the blood they need but sometimes to even save a life, like someone did mine."

Please share with your family, friends and colleagues to register for the blood drive here at Child Focus Training Center on Friday, July 29 from 8am-10:45am and 12pm-2pm OR give at one of eight Hoxworth blood centers from July 18 through August 13 and don’t forget to fill out Child Focus & our number A216 as your non-profit on your form- very important or we do not get credit.  Last year 35 staff and community members donated blood saving 70 lives!   

Register online at or by phone at 451-0910.  You will be helping Child Focus in the running of winning $1,000 to $10,000 and help Hoxworth and the over 30 hospitals that support local  children and adults with life-saving blood during a critically low donation months of July and August.  Some tips about giving blood:

  • Bring your ID.  You must be 16 (with parent consent) or older and at least 110 pounds and be generally healthy.
  • Eat a good meal and drink plenty of fluids within four hours before giving blood.
  • If you are pregnant you cannot give blood.
  • Your resting heart rate should be 110 or lower per minute. 
  • You will need to fill out a one-page info sheet.  They will take your vitals (blood pressure, anemia test prick, etc.) Blood donation takes about 15-20 minutes and the vitals take 5-10 minutes.
  • If you register for an appointment please show up!  You are taking an opportunity away from someone else to donate.
  • You can give blood every 8 weeks.
  • Call Hoxworth with any other Q’s at 451-0910.