Blog Entries - 2022
Mental Health Challenges and the Holiday Season

The month and a half between Thanksgiving and New Year can be a difficult time for many people. Society tells us the holiday season should be a time for joy and togetherness. For those whose reality does not meet these idealized expectations, mental health challenges often arise.
Looking Back at Your Year of Progress: Practicing Positive Reflection

As the year draws to a close, it is important that we look back and reflect on the progress we have made.
So long as you are making continual steps in a positive, healthy direction, you are making progress.
Connections Group Helps Teen Girls with Anxiety and Depression

Connections Group Helps Teen Girls with Anxiety and Depression Girls experiencing anxiety or depression may benefit...
Tips for Talking to a Reluctant Family Member About Therapy

When someone you care about is struggling, there is nothing you wouldn’t do to help stop their suffering.
Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions

A substance use disorder (SUD) is a mental condition that causes sufferers to struggle to control their use of legal or illegal drugs and substances, like alcohol or prescription medication.
What is a Substance Use Disorder (SUD)?

Nearly every American alive today has been affected by a Substance Use Disorder (SUD), but many of them might not know it.