Blog Entries - 2022
Stories of Resilience & Success

Emma's Story Emma is a 17-year-old female who attends Sycamore Schools. She was referred due to a history of...
Program Helps Stabilize Families

Child Focus Intensive Home Based Treatment seeks to strengthen youth and families and helps to facilitate stability,...
Operation Street Smart: Drug Education - Event Recap

Drug abuse is one of the most dangerous, and difficult to understand threats facing children and teenagers today. Many teenagers will be offered drugs at some time in their adolescence and a large portion of those teenagers will give in to pressure and begin abusing drugs.
Understanding Bullying and The Rise of Cyberbullying

Bullying comes in many different forms. Sometimes it is physical, sometimes emotional, and often it is a mixture of the two.
Any way that bullying presents itself, it is damaging to the long-term health of children of all ages.
How to Have a Conversation with Your Kids About School Safety

Acts of school violence have made school safety issues one of the most prominently discussed topics when it comes to ensuring our children’s safety.
As a result, children may feel fear, anxiety, and a sense of danger just from going to school.
The Secret of Setting Goals to Move Your Life in the Right Direction

In life, it can sometimes feel like we are stuck. As if we have no power to change our situations and we are left to remain unhappy from one day to the next.