
Blog Entries - Apr. 2024

What is Seasonal Depression and How Do I Get out of the Slump?

What is Seasonal Depression and How Do I Get out of the Slump
Calendar-IconApril 22, 2024  |  Seasonal Depression, Therapy

Winter can be a difficult time for many people. Cold weather, short days, and decreased social activity can all take their toll, and it is normal to experience fatigue, loss of interest, and anxiety. Some people, however, experience symptoms that are more severe, like depression and even thoughts of suicide.  

Seasonal depression and flares in existing mental illnesses may be classified as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) by a counselor or psychologist. SAD requires specialized treatment to help those who suffer from its effects.  

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Mental Health Professionals in Schools

Mental Health Professionals in Schools

Schoolwork can sometimes take a mental toll on students. Added to the demands of home life, extracurriculars, and social pressures, school children sometimes find themselves facing legitimate mental crises.  

While these mental health crises often do not require medical intervention, students may need a mental health professional to help them organize their stressors and identify their problems. That is the benefit of mental health professionals in schools.  

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