
Blog Entries - May. 2024

Co-Parenting Survival Guide

Co-Parenting Survival Guide
Calendar-IconMay 20, 2024  |  Child Focus, Co-Parenting, Communication

Adapting to new relationships is never easy, especially when there is a child involved. Co-parenting dynamics have evolved over the last several decades and today there are many ways to raise a child, even if both parents do not live in the same house. From situations like divorce and pregnancy outside of a relationship to surrogacy and raising children with the help of family members, there are many ways to co-parent in the twenty-first century.  

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How to Help Students Prepare for Middle School and High School

How to Help Students Prepare for Middle School and High School

When children transition to a new school, that transition often comes with a new set of challenges. These challenges are often social, physical, academic, or a mixture of the three. Before their children move on to a new school, there are ways parents can help their incoming high school and middle school students prepare.  

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