How to Have a Conversation with Your Kids About School Safety
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How to Have a Conversation with Your Kids About School Safety
Acts of school violence have made school safety issues one of the most prominently discussed topics when it comes to ensuring our children’s safety.
As a result, children may feel fear, anxiety, and a sense of danger just from going to school.
Every parent must learn how to talk to their children about school safety. In addition, parents must know how to recognize warning signs of school violence so they can get their children the help they need.
Talking to your children about school safety plays an important role in easing children’s fears about personal safety at school.
In this post, we will discuss how you can navigate a conversation with your child about school safety.
Your Guide to Talking About School Safety with Your Children
Your child may have fears regarding school violence and their personal safety. With inspiration from Mental Health America, Child Focus has put together this guide to help you talk to your children about their anxieties regarding school safety.
Encourage Your Children to Express Their Feelings. Your child is likely hesitant to talk about this frightening issue with you. Gentle prompting can help your child open to you. Asking them questions like "do you feel safe at school?" can help get the conversation started.
Speak Honestly About Your Feelings. Speaking openly about your own feelings is one of the best ways to get your child to be open. If they understand that they are not alone in their fears, they are less likely to feel anxiety.
Validate Your Child’s Feelings. When they do open, do not minimize their concerns. Let them know that school violence is a big issue, yet mass shootings are incredibly rare. Stress that schools are safe places.
Empower Your Children to Take Action. Encourage your children to report incidents of violence, threats, or talks of suicide. Encourage older children to participate in student-run anti-violence programs.
Discuss Your Children’s School Safety Procedures. Explain why visitors must sign in, and why certain doors must remain locked throughout the day. Help your children understand that these precautions are in place to help boost safety.
Create a Safety Plan with Your Child. Help your child identify which adults they can talk to if they feel threatened at school. Also, be sure that your child knows how to reach you or another trusted adult in case of an emergency during a school day.
Recognize Behavior that Shows Your Child is Anxious About School. Children may respond to violence by avoiding school or other activities. Older children may minimize their concerns but become aggressive, withdrawn, or allow their grades to slide.
Keep the Dialogue Going. School safety should be a common family discussion, rather than a topic that is brought up only after a crisis. Make sure your child knows that they can always talk to you about their concerns.
Seek Help When Necessary. If you are worried about your child’s emotional health and cannot help them yourself, it is time to reach out to a mental health professional.
Better Education and Health with Child Focus
Talking to your children about school safety is more important now than ever before.
However, keeping an open dialogue with your children is just one tool you need to be successful.
Many parents are seeking ways to stay informed about their children’s health. This is especially true for mental health.
If you are looking for resources and education to improve your child’s life, look no further than Child Focus.
At Child Focus, we offer support with early learning, behavioral health, and education and training for adults.