June 2018 Above & Beyond/Hat's Off
June 2018 Above & Beyond/Hat's Off

The following staff were nominated for the Above and Beyond Award for the month of June. The winners for the drawing of the $25.00 dollar gift card are: Alex Carlotta and Amber Athey. Congratulations to all!!
Alex Carlotta: I would like to nominate Alex for the great job she does at keeping up with the Inkind totals and inputting Inkind data into SHINE. By keeping up-to-date on the Inkind we are able to see where we are with our Inkind budget. Thanks Alex for your hard work.
Terri Drees and Amber Athey: Thanks so much for the great work you guys do in the kitchen. You successfully made it through all the end of the year picnics, field trips, and special requests with a smile on your face.
During the month of June 2018, many of the CFI staff have received the exceptional feedback from our community partners and families we serve. All the staff named in this announcement are being acknowledged with the Hats Off recognition.
Child Focus has received remarkable feedback with high appreciation of our Behavioral Health staff who have recently volunteered with the Reds Rookie Success League (RRSL) Clermont County youth baseball camp and at the Reds game day.
The following words of gratitude were conveyed about our enthusiastic and amazing CFI volunteers:
“We would like to send a huge thank you to all of our volunteers! We know this was a long week, but because of each one of you it was very successful! Remember all the children's lives you are touching by being here and being you! Thank you so much! Without each of you this camp would not be possible!”
Staff-Volunteers on the Game Day:
v Jodi Quehl |
v Stephanie Reis |
v Stephanie Picard |
v Kathy Jakucki |
v Caitlin Smith |
v Elizabeth Hartsock |
v Stephanie Vanyo |
v Bethany Strauss |
v Sarah Liversage |
v Jennifer Rafferty |
v Kim Bihl |
Staff-Volunteers at the RRSL Camp:
v Alison Price |
v Amelia Williams |
v Angela Brown |
v Ashley Sabido |
v Bethany Puliafico |
v Bethany Strauss |
v Caitlin Smith |
v Carol Hettel |
v Catherine Cosker |
v Christie Howison |
v Elizabeth Hartsock |
v Gregory Handleton |
v Jacquline Pridemore |
v Jennifer Johnson |
v Jodi Quehl |
v Kaci Kniceley |
v Keely Galluzzo |
v Kelly Lean |
v Kim Bihl |
v Megan Hesser |
v Mollie Hampton |
v Nicole Gordon |
v Nicole Snyder |
v Ryan Dees |
v Sara Jung |
v Sarah Liversage |
v Sarah Ryan |
v Stella Juenger |
v Stephanie Picard |
v Stephanie Reis |
v Tania White |
In addition to the feedback from Reds Rookie Success League, the Behavioral Health supervisor shared the following:
“I wanted to recognize Nicole Snyder, Amelia Williams, and Stephanie Vanyo for leading a group of approximately 100 students in dance at the Reds Rookie League event. During a break between the events, all three staff began the dance to encourage students to dance while they waiting for the next activity to begin. These staff’s initiative with the dance created a positive experience for the students at the Reds Rookie League event. Nicole, Amelia and Stephanie built a small group of about five students to a group of more than 100 dancing. The students loved it!”
Recently, Debbie Hayden of the Hayden Foundation, our community partner and funder, conveyed outstanding praise about the services provided by the therapist Alison Price.
In their letter to the Hayden Foundation, the client family shared the following:
“My child has been blessed to receive counseling at Anderson High School through the (Hayden Foundation) grant to Child Focus, Inc. The excellent care my child received from the therapist Alison Price has been a lifeline to him, as well as to me, and I can’t imagine where we would be without help this year. Alison has given my child tools to help him reach outside of himself and try to make friends. My child looked forward to talking to Alison.
I would like to thank you and all those you worked with to develop this school-based program that has helped my child and other children. You are geniuses, visionaries and compassionate souls. You have given a good person, my child, a chance. I am so grateful. I can’t keep the tears from falling.”
Another client family, receiving services through the Out-of-Home Care Parent Education Program, shared the following remarkable feedback about their parent educator Sharon Boh:
“Sharon has helped me to become a better parent and a stronger person. Sharon is the type of a parent educator that is hands on and willing to go an extra mile for the families she works with. Working with Sharon has been a positive impact on my life and children, and I am very thankful. Child Focus has wonderful staff!”