May 2018 Staff Above & Beyond
May 2018 Staff Above & Beyond

These staff members were nominated for the May Staff Above and Beyond Award. The winners of the drawing this month are Kaitlyn Hogue, Mindy Frizzell and Sharon Boh. Congratulations to all!!
Sandy Stewart, Marlene Jewell and Brenda Wise: Several times this year, Sandy, Marlene and Brenda have worked without a sub when one staff was off without complaint-always saying “don’t worry, we can work it out!” I appreciate their team work and positive attitude.
Mary Carson: For the past few weeks, Mary has been pulled to other centers to help with coverage at the last minute- she has helped out with a smile and no complaints. I appreciate her flexibility and willingness to help wherever and whenever needed.
Melody Kirby: Melody not only works full time for the Bethel Head Start program she also works for the WT extended day program as well. Thank you Melody for helping out both programs to maintain coverage!
Mindy Frizzell: Mindy had scheduled PTO for a day but due to unforeseen circumstances the center would have to close for the day if she took the day off. Because the Grant students had scheduled CDA observation that day, Mindy cancelled her day off so that the school observation could be completed. Thank you Mindy for changing your plans to keep things running smoothly!
Sheila Conley: Since accepting the assistant teacher position at Amelia working 40 hours a week, Sheila continues to work as needed in the extended day program to make sure they have the coverage they need. Thanks, Sheila for helping both programs!!!!
Molly Sullivan: For several months now, Molly has managed a challenging morning group of children with only 2 staff, 2 days a week, without complaining! She has made the best of less than ideal situation and continues to provide a caring, quality learning environment for the children. Thanks, Molly!!!
Michelle Gaynor and Bridget Brown: During the natural walk at Summerside, one child suddenly became hysterical because she thought there was a bug on her. She was inconsolable. The child was so upset and scared, she was clinging to the teachers. Bridget and Michelle took turns carrying this child back to the trail head while remaining calm, comforting and reassuring all the children that everything was alright. Back in the classroom, when the child continue to be extremely upset, Michelle picked her up and went to the rocking chair, holding the child, quietly singing and talking to her until she calmed down and fell asleep. Meanwhile Bridget got the rest of the group to the bathroom, hands washed, on their cots and ready for nap. Not once did either of them lose their cool or positivity. Very impressive!!
Alice Hartig, Vickie Gillespie and Carol Oliver: Alice, Vicki and Carol have worked all year with a very difficult morning group of children. Instead of complaining, they have shown empathy and compassion for their needy kids. As Vickie said, “Trauma has affected these kids so badly that their “emotional cups” are so empty.” Thank you for continuing to fill their cups and be a source of positivity and comfort when they are upset and frustrated!
Michelle Pendergrass: I want to nominate Michelle for her commitment to her families. She is dedicated and establishes great rapport. Her work with her parents shows her ability to be compassionate and understanding while keeping the best interests of the child in mind. If there is a difficult topic that needs to be covered, Michelle takes this on while working to support her families in any way she can. She does all of this with respect, compassion and understanding.
Michelle also works to build a good relationship with the parents as well as the children in the class. When someone is out she comes and helps. She is so positive and a great person to work with. We love her!
Cindy Jamison: Cindy has gone above and beyond by keeping the Williamsburg 2 classroom running smoothly while other staff were out for the 2 weeks. We really appreciate how hard Cindy works and how amazing she is with the children. Thanks, Cindy!!
Dianne McGuire: Dianne has been keeping our fish tank clean and making the fish and children very happy. It is a lot of work to keep up with. She smiles and keeps it enjoyable for all. Great job, Dianne!
Kailtlyn Hougue and Shelby Diener: Kaitlyn, Shelby and their students in the before and after school care program at Summerside Elementary, have been actively working on making 200 string hearts. The hearts will be used to decorate the tables at the Encourage the Heart Fundraiser in August. Thank you for helping in adding some children’s art to the dinner, Kaitlyn and Shelby!
Angel Stewart: Went above and beyond setting up the classroom’s dramatic play area up according to the new classroom theme for the children without even asking her to do it. Thank you, Angel!!! You saved the day!!
Danielle Gibson: I have worked with Danielle for 4 years. She has always been the person I could go to for advice or any questions. She knows Child Focus so well and I feels she deserves the award for being such an amazing, helpful and dedicated worker.
Danielle is always super helpful even though she is across the hall. She is sweet to our kids recess. Anytime we need her, she is right there willing to help. Also, she knows the supply orders front to back. She is always ready to help and we appreciate her!!
Danielle Smith: She has helped me numerous times with tracking down past due physicals and dentals. She also helped me with a family struggling with lice for several weeks as well as helped provide a family with a dental home. Danielle is always easy to reach and able to find a way to get the task at hand accomplished.
Dina Idrissova: Dina has translated and called my Russian –speaking families in Head Start multiple times this year. Although she works outside of the Early Learning programs, she has always been happy to call these families on my behalf in order to let them know about health and classrooms reminders or just to offer them a spot in one of my classrooms. I would not have been able to communicate as effectively had it not been for all her support. Thanks so much, Dina!!
Betsy Weiss, Nicole Lesniak, Karen Balon, Connie Bacon, Dianne McGuire: When the laundry room needed mopped, Betsy, Connie, Nicole, Karen, and Diane all jumped into action. They starting using towels, contacting Paul, and gathering the shop vac to clean the water. Team work made the clean-up go quickly and is just another example of all of these ladies doing whatever needs to be done!
Amber Athey: Amber willingly steps in and helps wrap the bread and bagels we receive for families on Thursday morning. This effort is outside of her normal responsibilities. The help is very much appreciated!!
Sharon Boh: During a supervised parenting session at Children’s Protective Services, a 3 year-old went into medical distress, turned blue and was not breathing. Sharon recognized the seriousness of the toddler’s medical distress and quickly took charge of the situation and moved the toddler to the floor to begin CPR. As she worked with the toddler, CPS called 911. The toddler was transported to the hospital safely and later released with no issues. Sharon was very shaken after the incident but managed to keep her composure and provided emergency assistance to the child and family during the emergency. Thank you, Sharon for going above and beyond!
Hat’s Off: Positive feedback for Eric Carpenter from Gretchen Behimer of Clermont County Family & Children First. Eric has developed a great rapport with the client’s family he serves at Child Focus, and which also receives services through Family & Children First and the Wraparound Team. He did an excellent job assisting the client’s family to create three budgets with graphs & different scenarios, which was impressive and very helpful to the client. Eric is very invested in this family and the client really trusts Eric. Thank you for your work with Clermont County families and collaboration with Family & Children First!