Register Now for 17/18 Head Start Preschool

Register Now for 17/18 Head Start Preschool

Calendar-IconMarch 30, 2017

Head Start children in Clermont County may attend a preschool classroom where they learn skills they will need to succeed in school or participate in the home visitation program where Home Visitors assist families in creating nurturing, healthy environments for their children.  Head Start follows a research based curriculum to teach children about science, math, language, literacy and more.   Parental Involvement is the cornerstone of the Head Start program. Significant emphasis is placed on the involvement of parents as the child’s first teacher as well as in the administration of the Head Start program.  It's time to register your 3 and 4-year-old children for Head Start! Children are eligible if they are a foster child, have an IEP, are homeless or receiving TANF/SSI or meet income guidelines.

For more information on guidelines click here.  To pre-register online go to: